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American History

"History is the present. That's why every generation writes it anew." D.L. Doctorow

GALILEO Discover

History Databases in GALILEO


Video Tutorial: How do I search in GALILEO?

Electronic Journals

Electronic Professional Journals

GALILEO provides access to over 5,000 full-text journals through Journals A - Z Linker. The link is provided below. Password is required for off-campus access.

 Journals A - Z Linker

Simply type in the name of the desired journal and GALILEO will direct you to a selection of databases that contain full-text access. Pertinent titles are listed below--there are many more!
  1. America's Civil War
  2. American Heritage
  3. Civil War Times
  4. Journal of American History
  5. Journal of Southern History


History Reference Center tutorial

Is it a scholarly journal or a magazine?

Is it Scholarly?